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List of public contributions made by public administrations or publicly-held companies to the Italy China Council Foundation, as provided for in Article 1, paragraph 125* of Law No. 124 of 4 August 2017 (Annual Law on the Market and Competition):

  • Emilia-Romagna Region30,000 euro (membership fee 2023)
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia Region10,000 euro (membership fee 2023)
  • Veneto Region10,000 euro (membership fee 2023)
  • Milan Polytechnic44,310, 45 euro (SICAB Higher Education Project)

* The controlling body is Dr Mario De Togni

* [ As from the year 2018, associations, non-profit organisations and foundations that have economic relations with public administrations and with the entities referred to in Article 2-bis of Legislative Decree no. 33, as well as with companies controlled de jure or de facto directly or indirectly by public administrations, including those issuing shares listed on regulated markets and companies in which they hold an interest, and with companies in which public administrations hold an interest, including those issuing shares listed on regulated markets and companies in which they hold an interest, shall publish by 28 February of each year, on their websites or digital portals, the information relating to subsidies, contributions, paid assignments and in any case to economic advantages of any kind received from the same public administrations and from the same entities in the previous year. Companies that receive subsidies, contributions, remunerated posts and in any case economic advantages of any kind from public administrations and the persons referred to in the first sentence are required to publish these amounts in the notes to the financial statements and in the notes to any consolidated financial statements. Failure to comply with this obligation shall entail the return of the sums to the grantors within three months from the date referred to in the preceding sentence. Where the disbursing entities belong to the central State administrations and have complied with the publication obligations set forth in Article 26 of Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14 March 2013, the sums referred to in the third period shall be paid to a specific chapter of the State budget revenue to be reallocated to the relevant chapters of the estimates of the administrations originally responsible for the subject matter. In the event that the disbursing entities have not fulfilled the prescribed publication obligations set out in Article 26 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 14 March 2013, the sums referred to in the third period shall be paid to the State budget revenue to be reallocated to the fund for the fight against poverty and social exclusion, referred to in Article 1, paragraph 386, of Law No 208 of 28 December 2015 ].