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An important delegation from Shanghai Ling-Gang will be visiting Milan for the 'Investing in Shanghai, sharing the future"Roadshow 2024 (Italy-Milan), scheduled at theExcelsior Hotel Gallia (Sala La Scala), Piazza Duca d'Aosta 9, in Milan. The initiative is organised by the Government and the Shanghai Municipal and Trade Commission, the Shanghai Lin-Gang New Area Administrative Committee and the Jinqiao Lin-Gang Group. The aim is to promote investment between Italy and China, following the important Italian institutional visits to China last summer. Speakers will include Italian and Chinese institutional representatives, and representatives of companies.

The Milan leg of the roadshow will focus on the entrepreneurial and industrial policies and the business opportunities in Shanghai and the Lin-Gang district. The latter will host the China-Italy (Lin-Gang) International SME Industrial Park, which will be presented during the event.

You can download the programme by clicking on this link

To reserve a place at the event, you must register at this link